FUTURE LIONS SAVE THE DATE! Incoming Freshman Registration for Littleton High School’s Class of 2025 will be held VIRTUALLY on Thursday, February 4th, at 6 pm. We encourage students and parents to log in together as we provide information to support students as they make their course requests. Our counselors, administrators and department chairs will be available to answer questions and provide guidance.


Look for an email from Littleton High School on Monday, February 1st. This email will contain registration information and the Google Meet links you will need for Thursday evening. If you do not receive this email, please call the Littleton Instruction Office at 303-347-7715 or email Paula Alred @ palred[at]lps.k12.co[dot]us. Students and families are encouraged to explore The Lion's Lore, our course catalogue.  This document is a great resource!