Do you want to be involved with your child's classroom but can't commit to a set schedule? Being a room parent is a GREAT way to be involved in your child's classroom with minimal commitment of in-class volunteer time. Much of the planning and coordination can happen on your own time as your schedule permits.  On average, being a room parent is a commitment of about 10 hours of volunteer time per year. 
A room parent's responsibilities include planning the fall festival party, coordinating optional teacher gifts before winter break and at year-end, and assisting the PTO with teacher appreciation week in the spring and the Lenski Fund Run in the fall. Whether you are a first time room parent or a veteran room parent, we need your help and would love for you to be involved this year! 
More details on each of these activities will be shared with the room parents at the room parent orientation meeting on September 6th. There will be two room parents for each classroom so you can share the fun (and the responsibility) with another parent in your class!  If you're interested in being a room parent for this year, please sign-up here by August 26th. 
If you have any additional questions, please reach out to Stephanie Wilcox.