Colorado Safe Schools Month 2016 is here! As part of our ongoing effort to promote a safe and healthy culture in all of our schools, Littleton Public Schools will implement the Comprehensive School Climate Inventory (CSCI) throughout the month of October.  The CSCI is an anonymous survey of students in grades 3-12, parents, and staff to gather perceptions about their school environment. We ask the entire community to engage with us in this opportunity, and we look forward to collaborating with you throughout this process. In the coming days, we will reach out to all LPS parents and guardians with more information and a link to the survey. In the meantime, please feel free to contact Travis Amonson, our survey coordinator, with any questions.


LHS students will complete the survey on October 26, 2016 during seminar.


LHS parents can take the survey anytime between October 1-31, 2016.  Click the following link to complete your survey:

Spanish version:

More information, including survey samples and opt-out forms can be found on the LPS district survey page at: