Reminder for Parent-Teacher Conferences & Workshops
Littleton High School will host Parent-Teacher Conferences & Workshops on Thursday, September 15, from 4 – 7:30 pm.  This evening is not only an opportunity for parents to see those teachers they need or want to check-in with, but it is also an opportunity to learn more about what is happening at LHS.
During the week of September 12, parents should check their student’s grades to identify classes where there may be concerns.  Parents should come to conferences on September 15th to meet with these teachers.  If you have no concerns about your student’s progress in his/her classes, you are still welcome to come see teachers.
All parents are invited to attend one or more of the Parent Workshops that will be offered.  LHS staff members along with our parent groups are excited to offer informative sessions around topics that impact you and your students.  Please see the attached information for descriptions of the workshops and a schedule for the evening
Parents should feel free to attend workshops and/or see teachers during the evening.
Please mark September 15th on your calendar!  We look forward to seeing you!