(posted January 20, 2025 at 2:00 p.m.) 2-HOUR DELAYED START - ALL LPS SCHOOLS. After carefully monitoring the forecast for extremely low temperatures in the early morning hours, the decision was made to have a two-hour delayed start for all LPS schools on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. The forecasted temperatures improve as the day progresses. / 2 HORAS DE RETRASO EN EL COMIENZO - TODAS LAS ESCUELAS DE LPS. Después de supervisar cuidadosamente el pronóstico de temperaturas extremadamente bajas durante las primeras horas de la mañana, se tomó la decisión de retrasar dos horas el comienzo de todas las escuelas de LPS el martes 21 de enero de 2025. Las temperaturas pronosticadas mejorarán durante el curso del día.

Delay/Closure Procedures

Services for the Visually Impaired

Educational Services

At present, the Visually Impaired Program provides needed services for blind and low vision individuals who attend school.  Placement in the VI Program of LPS requires a current ophthalmologic or optometric report indicating a visual impairment.  It also requires a staffing committee evaluation and recommendation.  Members of the evaluation team must include a diagnostic teacher of the visually impaired and may include a combination of other specialists and educational staff as well as the child and his/her parent(s).  Once a VI disability has been determined, a student must have a learning media assessment completed in conjunction with the functional vision report and maintain a Literacy Modality Plan as part of his/her IEP.

The VI Program serves Pre-K through the Transition level students.  Students in the VI program receive services on a direct or on a consultative basis as needed.  The VI personnel work cooperatively with each educational setting to develop and implement a student’s IEP.  Skills such as Braille, training in low vision devices, daily living skills and access skills are part of the curriculum that a student in the VI program might require.

Orientation & Mobility Services, a specific area of expanded core curriculum, are also provided through the Visually Impaired Program of LPS.  This curriculum requires assessment and instruction from an O&M Specialist.  In LPS, both teachers of the visually impaired are also certified O&M instructors.  The ability to travel safely, independently and efficiently through the environment is a skill vital to everyday living.  O&M instruction is available to students on an individual (or small group) basis in specific skills to become safe and independent travelers.  Sequential instruction utilizes a variety of indoor and outdoor settings to develop students’ skills and instill confidence needed to travel in familiar and unfamiliar environments.  Instruction in the use of a white cane or various low vision aids is provided when appropriate.

Visually Impaired Program Staff

Nancy Cozart Teacher / O&M Specialist v-mail 303-734-3090 office 303-347-7663
Nancy Knight Teacher / O&M Specialist v-mail 303-734-6726 office 303-347-5167
Lisa Brocard Nationally Certified Braille Transcriber v-mail 303-734-6711  
Ingrid Mayer State Certified Braillist v-mail 303-734-3074