
SAVE THE DATE - Graduation

Heritage High School Graduation Ceremony will be Saturday, May 24th, 2025 at 5:00 pm at the University of Denver Ritchie Center. 

Fees & Fines
All fees and fines must be cleared through the bookkeeper and/or library IN ORDER TO PICK UP YOUR YEARBOOK, CAP AND GOWN AND WALK AT GRADUATION.

To receive a yearbook by May 12, 2025.
To pick up a cap and gown by May 15, 2025.

Important Senior Dates

Prom - Saturday, May 10th

Seniors Last Day of Class - Thursday, May 15th

Senior Day - Friday, May 16th

  • Cap & Gown Pick Up | 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
  • Senior Scram | 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
  • Final Assembly | 3:00 pm- 3:30 pm

Senior Awards Ceremony - Tuesday, May 20th

Graduation - Saturday, May 24th


Cap and Gown Information

To order a Cap & Gown or Graduation Announcements, go to If you have questions concerning caps, gowns, rings, or announcements, please contact Jostens at 303-985-0095.

In order for a student to pick up their cap & gown, they must do the following:

  • fully paid all fees & fines 
  • completed the Post Grad Survey - Please click here to find the survey.
  • show their student ID at time of pick up

Cap & Gown Pick-up Date - Friday, May 16th, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ONLY at the Third Floor Athletic Entrance

Yearbook Information

For all senior portrait, biography, and senior baby ad information, please click here. Need to buy a yearbook? Purchase here.

Day of Graduation - Ceremony Information

The 2025 Heritage High School Graduation Ceremony will take place  Saturday, May 24th, 2025 at 5:00 pm at the University of Denver Ritchie Center.  Graduation lasts approximately 1.5 - 2 hours. Immediately following the graduation ceremony. Students will be directed to pick up their diplomas.

Required Dress for Graduates

Appropriate dress is necessary to ensure the dignity of the graduation ceremony.  Graduates are required to wear dress shoes and clothing appropriate for the formality of the ceremony. Please dress in collared shirts, dress pants, skirts or dresses. Students dressed inappropriately will be sent home to change clothes and this may jeopardize a graduate's participation in the ceremony. 

Graduates SHOULD NOT bring flowers, purses, phones, keys, cameras, or other valuables to the graduation ceremony. 


Bus Transportation for Graduates
Students should meet at Heritage by 3:00 PM on Saturday, May 25, 2025. Buses will transport graduates to the University of Denver Ritchie Center. Anyone NOT on the bus will not walk at graduation.

Photos, Videos, & LiveStream
Photos: We will be working with Lifetouch for graduation portraits at our commencement ceremony. Click Here to order your graduate's photographs. Event Type: Commencement. 

Videos:  You may order a DVD of the Heritage Graduation Ceremony Recording through the University of Denver. Click Here for Order Form. 

Graduation LiveStream Link: Coverage of the 2025 Graduation will be livestreamed! More information to follow. Click Here!


Tickets for graduation at the University of Denver are NO LONGER NEEDED! All are Welcome! In addition, graduation will be live streamed for those unable to attend! 
Appropriate Behavior for a Traditional Ceremony

The high school graduation ceremony is a “once in a lifetime” occasion for students to be recognized for achieving the academic requirements as set forth by the school and community. The ceremony itself is a very visible and expensive event. It is a time set aside for honoring the Class of 2025, both collectively and individually. Students wear the academic robes and mortarboards in recognition of their academic achievement. They are dressed alike because they have a common bond with each other and with all former graduates who have worn the cap and gown at the time of their high school graduation. Students are recognized individually when their names are called and when they shake hands with school administrators. As you know, this ceremony marks the completion of thirteen years of public education and the beginning of future adult paths. We are proud to celebrate this special occasion; however, because of the importance attached to the occasion, we ask that our pride be demonstrated with dignity. 

Spectators can help greatly by not applauding, cheering, whistling, etc. when a student’s name is called. The noise from such outbursts often obscures the next student’s name. We will move quickly through the names of approximately 400 seniors. It is most helpful if the cheering and applause may be given at one time after the last student’s name is read. The Senior Class and the Heritage staff hope to make our ceremony this year the best ever. We do appreciate your help.   

University of Denver Ritchie Center Information

Facility Policies and Prohibited Items: 

  • The Ritchie Center has implemented a "no bag policy" for graduation ceremonies! 
    • Please note, no bags or purses, with the exception of medical bag, diaper bag and a clutch purse smaller than 4.5" x 6.5" in size and are subject to visual screening upon entry.
    • The decision to implement a no bag policy for graduation ceremonies was made in conjunction with the University of Denver's Campus Safety division. The intent behing this decision is to help speed up the entry process to all graduation ceremonies while also maintaining the safest possible environment for all guests entering the facility. The University of Denver will be providing cars parking in our lots with a verbal and written reminder of this policy, and we will have signage and staff outside to remind guests of this policy. 
    • There will not be a bag check available at The Ritchie Center. Guests will not be permitted to enter with an unapproved bag. 
  • Prohibited Items: 
    • No bags or purses, with the exception of medical bag, diaper bag and a clutch purse smaller than 4.5" x 6.5" in size and are subject to visual screening upon entry
    • No balloons, balls, confetti, frisbees, and other projectiles
    • No artificial noisemakers, air horns, whistles, cow bells, vuvuzelas, etc. 
    • No outside food and beverage, to include water bottles (empty, plastic, and/or hard shell)
    • Oversized signs or banners (larger than 28" x 22"), to include any signage with a stick or pole attached
    • See attached guide for additional prohibited items

Parking Information & MAP

  • Parking is free of charge for all vehicles and guests will be waived into each lot
  • Available parking lots: Lot 108, Lot C, Lot L, and Lot W
  • ADA Parking will be available in Lot 311. On select dates, Lot 314 and Lot 401 will also be available as ADA parking. 
  • Please do not park in residential areas such as apartment and condominium lots, personal driveways, or permitted only street parking
  • Click Here for Map of Parking Lots