
GMS Clinic


Illness and Accidents

Ill or injured students should report to the clinic in the Student Services Office and sign the clinic register. An accident report form will be completed by teacher or supervisor. Parents will be notified immediately if the illness or injury is determined to be serious. Students will remain in the clinic until transportation arrangements are made and confirmed with parents. There is never a nurse on duty and no medication of any kind is available.

Emergency Card Information

School personnel will inform parents as soon as possible following an incident, injury or illness. During Online Registration prior to the academic year, parents/guardians are asked to update/change/remove emergency contact information for their existing students.  This includes  home, work, and cell phone numbers.  It is extremely important that parents provide the school with accurate information in the event of an emergency.  Upon closing Online Registration in September, parents can request updates to their census information via their parent portal.

Dispensing of Medication to Students

Littleton Public Schools follows medication guidelines which are in accordance with "Rules and Regulations Governing Schools in the State of Colorado", set by the Colorado Board of Health. Parents are encouraged to work with their health provider so the dosage schedule can be arranged to give medications at home rather than during the school day.

However, if your child needs to receive medication during school hours, including prescription and non-prescription medications, the following conditions must be met:

  1. A signed parental permission has been received by your child's school, clearly stating the name of the medication and the time it is to be given at school.
  2. A physician's signed statement must also be received by your child's school that matches instructions on the container and the signed parental permission> It should also include the purpose of the medication, the length of time it needs to be given at school and possible side effects.
  3. The medication is in the original container clearly showing the name of the physician prescribing the medication, the child's name, the name of medication, the time it is to be given, and the dosage. Parents are responsible for bringing the child's medication to the school.
  4. Medication Authorization Form:
  5. The aforementioned policy also refers to non-prescription medications (Tylenol, vitamins, cough drops, etc).

Health Care Action Plan

If your student requires a health plan for asthma, allergies, etc., please choose the appropriate plan from the LPS District list in the following link:  If your student carries their own emergency medication, please also complete the appropriate self-carry form.

Ambulance Expense

Any expenses incurred by emergency use of an ambulance will be the responsibility of the parents/guardians of the injured students. Parents or guardians of an injured student will be notified before an ambulance is called unless the injury requires immediate emergency transportation. A rider may be added to a family's health insurance policy to cover ambulance transportation.


Colorado law requires that the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment - Certificate of Immunization be completed and provided to your child's school.  The law requires documentation of immunizations or a signature on file exempting the child for medical, religious, or personal reasons(C.R.S. 25-4- 903).

The following requirements are effective for the coming school year: 

Colorado law requires documentation of immunizations or a signature on file exempting your child for medical, religious or personal reasons. The requirements are:

  • 5 doses DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, & Pertussis, Tetanus, & Pertussis) required for all students, K-12
  • 1 Tdap for students entering 6th, 7th and 8th grades
  • 4 doses of Polio required for all students, K-12
  • 2 doses of MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) required for all students, K-12
  • 3 doses of Hepatitis B vaccine required for all students, K-12
  • Varicella (chicken pox) all 6th grade students are required to have either a record of immunization, a lab test showing immunity, or a disease history from a health care provider, parent or guardian.

Any questions, please contact the Colorado Department of Health (303) 682-2650.