School Environment and Building Access

  • Student movement around the school throughout the day is planned and organized to maintain physical distancing and minimize transitions as much as possible

    • 6th Grade Students ONLY will enter/exit from the South Playground.

    • 7th Grade Students ONLY will enter/exit through the Northeast Athletic Entrance.

    • 8th Grade Students ONLY will enter/exit in the Northwest Corner of the main level.

  • Fewer students will be allowed in hallways, restrooms, cafeterias, food serving lines and on playgrounds at the same time.

  • A necessary change to our school is that only students and staff will be able to enter the building.  Unfortunately, we cannot allow parents or visitors in the building, as we need to make every effort to keep our students and staff healthy.  There will be more information in our school communications about how parents can stay connected.

  • Classrooms, instructional areas and the cafeteria are being set up to maximize space and provide social distancing to the greatest extent possible.

  • Classrooms are being cleared of non-essential furniture and items to maximize space for students.

  • Drinking fountains are shut off.  We are asking that students  bring their own water bottle to school.  There are two water bottle fillers in our school – Main Office hallway and Athletic Entrance corridor.

  • Students are not being assigned lockers this year.  We ask that they use backpacks and only bring the essential materials for the classes that they are attending that day..

  • Signage on walls and stickers on floors will help students maintain physical distancing in the hallways and common areas. 

  • Meetings involving parents will be held virtually through Zoom or Google Hangouts. 

  • School Accountability Committee and PTO meetings will be held virtually.

  • As students and staff return to school, all areas inside schools will be cleaned and sanitized (following the protocols of local health officials) as frequently as possible.  

  • Our ventilation system has been serviced and will be frequently checked to make sure our indoor spaces are properly ventilated.