Awards Ceremonies and 8th Grade Continuation are all very special days for our students and staff. Our Viking of the Year Award is a long standing tradition of Goddard since it's inception in 1969. 8th graders who will be continuing on to high school especially love their Continuation Day. At GMS we take all of this tradition very seriously and look forward to honoring our fellow Vikings with the acknowledgement they deserve.
In light of our current world health crisis we do not know what May will hold for us as far as gatherings, celebrations and ceremonies. We want you to know we are already thinking about this. However, we will continue to heed the advice of the Center for Decease Control, our Govenor and our Superintendent of LPS. We realize our recognition could be very different this year but we know our Vikings will go out into the world and shoot for the sky and do their best regardless of a ceremony or not.
Thank you for your patience and understanding while we navigate these uncertain times. Please continue to check our website and look for communication regarding these ceremonies.