Goddard Back to School Night
August 24, 2023
Just a reminder that Back to School Night is quickly approaching next Thursday, August 24th from 6:00-7:55 pm. We will run this year similar to last year.
A few quick notes for next Thursday Night:
5:15-5:50 pm - GT and ELD Sessions
5:50-6:00 pm - Parents Transition to Gym
6:00-6:20 pm - General Session for All parents in the large gym. Teachers, you do not need to join in the gym.
6:15 pm - Core teachers, please be in your classroom - or your agreed upon classroom with your PLC partner/co-teacher if you are presenting with them.
6:15 pm - Elective teachers please be ready to take over the gym to present together.
Parents will go through their student’s schedule in sequence (minus ELO) from 6:30-7:55 pm
Core classes are 10 minutes/passing periods are 5 minutes
Electives will present for 25 minutes as a group in the gym
6th Grade Parents will have 4 classes (3 core/1 elective)
7th and 8th Grade Parents will have 5 classes (4 core / 1 elective)
Core teachers may choose present with their PLC partner and/or co-teacher
See grade level schedules on the next page
Electives will meet as a group in the gym during the electives time.
WEB Leaders will be here to guide parents in the hallways
We will finish at 7:55 pm
Parents will print/download their student’s schedule and follow it in sequence. We will also provide the option of student’s filling out their schedule on a form we provide in ELO on Thursday, Aug 24th. They can then take it home to give to their parents.
6th Grade Parent Schedule
6:30-6:40 Period 2 - Core Class #1
6:45-6:55 Period 4 - Core Class #2
7:00-7:10 Period 5 - Core Class #3
Break for 6th Grade Parents - mix and mingle in the cafeteria
7:30-7:55 Electives in the Gym
7th Grade Parent Schedule
6:30-6:40 Period 2 - Core Class #1
6:45-6:55 Period 3 - Core Class #2
7:00-7:25 Electives in the Gym
7:30-7:40 Period 7 - Core Class #3
7:45-7:55 Period 8 - Core Class #4
8th Grade Parent Schedule
6:30-6:55 Electives in the Gym
7:00-7:10 Period 4 - Core Class #1
7:15-7:25 Period 5 - Core Class #2
7:30-7:40 Period 7 - Core Class #3
7:45-7:55 Period 8 - Core Class #4