Social Studies

About Us

The Heritage High School Social Studies Department offers a wide range of courses for our students. All of our courses cover a range of historical, geographical, social, and civic elements; use inquiry based teaching methods, and incorporate various technologies (such as computer based simulations and multimedia presentations). 

Our core courses are Geography, World Civilizations, US History, Western Civilizations, Economics and Government. We also offer honors sections for freshmen and Advanced Placement sections for sophomores, juniors, and seniors. For electives we offer: Anthropology, Colorado History, Film History, Psychology, Russian History, Sociology, and World Religions. 

We welcome your interest in our department. All of our teachers are dedicated to sharing their love and understanding of social sciences with our students.


Social Studies Office - 303-347-7660

Click the teacher's name to visit his/her insructional web site.

Adam Buseck, Teacher 

Justin Byleveld, Teacher / Co-Dept. Chair

Dave Collins, Teacher

Mike Flaim, Teacher

Megan Gallegos, Teacher / Co-Dept. Chair

Shannon Johnson, Teacher

Ron McClurg, Teacher

Kristi Brethauer-McClurg, Teacher

Emily Neinast, Teacher

Jaclyn Peach, Teacher

Michael Schreiber, Teacher

Kirt Woodman, Teacher