Tuesday, August 6th

9:00 a.m. to 12:00

Open House allows ALL students to come into the building and get familiar with the layout. Since we no longer hold an official Registration Day, everything is done online, Open House is an opportunity for students to get some of those start-of-school jitters out. Students can walk their schedule, find their locker, and even drop off school supplies, if they wish. Teachers will not be available during this time.

If you cannot make the Open House, we apologize but students will have the first day of school to get their lockers arranged and get familiar with the school.

For NEW to Littleton Public Schools, our counselors will hold appointments & tours on Aug. 5th & 6th

August 5th, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

August 6th, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m.


Again, these sessions are for NEW to LPS Families. You can make an appointment by emailing or calling Andrea Scott, or call the Main Office.

ascott[at][dot]us or 303-347-7864

Main Office 303-347-7850



Tuesday, August 13th

6th Graders will learn the Viking Way for the first 2 hours of the school day.

Please note, our school day hours: 8:20 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

6th Graders will be teamed up with our W.E.B. (Where Everyone Belongs) Leaders

They will play games, get their lockers situated, practice using their combination locks,

have a picnic lunch and meet new Goddard Friends!

6th Graders will come 8:20 - 3:30

7th & 8th Graders will come 10:20 -3:30

Buses will run their routes twice that day. Once at the regular time to pick up 6th graders and again 2 hours later to pick up 7th & 8th graders.