
The Accountability Committee (LPAC) at Littleton Preparatory Charter School (LPCS) is composed of seven members - four parent representatives, two staff representatives, and one community at-large representative. The administrative team provides general assistance as needed for the activities of this committee.

Membership of this committee is open to all parents and guardians of LPCS students, as well as the teachers and staff of LPCS. This is a volunteer committee and potential members apply as open positions become available.

The mission of this committee is to provide an objective review of the quality of our school’s performance. 

Tasks of the Accountability Committee include the following:

  • Attend monthly committee meetings (virtual and/or in-person)
  • Update and post the annual report information to our school website
  • Develop and distribute pulse surveys to our parent/guardian community; these surveys provide continuous, anonymous feedback to LPCS leadership throughout the school year
  • Attend Littleton Public Schools District Accountability Meetings on a rotating basis and report information back to the LPAC
  • Interface with the LPCS Governing Board as necessary

This committee posts our monthly agendas in the school office at least 24hrs prior to our monthly meetings. Our meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 5:00pm. Questions or comments for this committee can be sent to Lisa Lira (llira[at][dot]us). 



Accountability Committee Bylaws