October 28th 5:00-6:00

Please help us make this fun event a success by signing up for one of the opportunities here.


The Ford Community Outreach Committee will be collecting new or gently used winter items (e.g. coats, hats, gloves, scarves, blankets) at the Ford Trunk or Treat. Please bring your items to the Community Outreach car where you can also trunk or treat! Gently used items need to be clean and ready to use/wear. Thank you for supporting our community through this upcoming winter season!


Halloween at Ford:

We are intentional about the traditions we start at Ford, including celebrating holidays / special days. Families have different perspectives about celebrating Halloween, and Halloween does not offer a connection to what we learn. We do not celebrate Halloween during school hours - this includes dressing up. Celebrations and holidays are outlined in our Family Handbook.

The Ford PTO would love for your family to join us for our second annual Trunk-or-Treat Celebration on October 28th. Join us in the Ford parking lot for a fun night of community, costumes, and candy.