Kindergarten Registration
Children who will be five years old by October 1, 2022 are eligible for kindergarten in the fall. If you have a child who will be entering kindergarten for the 2022-2023 school year and you would like to learn more about our school and kindergarten program, please call Cindy Holmes at 303-347-4611 or email cholmes[at][dot]us.
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Parents may register their child for kindergarten starting December 1. If you are a current LPS parent with an active parent portal Infinite Campus account, click on "More" and "New Student Registration 2023." If you are a current LPS parent and your portal is not active, contact the main office to activate your portal account.
If you are a new LPS parent, visit the district website to begin registration on December 1.
In addition to the registration packet, parents should upload the following items to their online registration:
The deadline for kindergarten registration at school is January 18, 2023. After January 18, parents will need to register through the Educational Services Center at 5776 S. Crocker St, Littleton, CO 80120.