The Kindergarteners have a modified schedule for the first week of school.
Please note the following important dates & times:
August 16...........Back to School Night at 5:45 p.m.
August 17...........Classes meet from 9:01-10:20 a.m. Parents meet with the principal & other staff during this time in the gym
August 18...........Regular day of school 9:01 a.m. - 3:49 p.m.
August 21 & 22...Kindergarten Assessment Days - you only come for the 20 minute window your student has been assigned for their assessment.
You do not come to school at all on the day your student is not being assessed. This time was sent to you in a mailing the end of May. If you registered over the summer, our registration secretary will contact you with your assigned assessment time when she returns around August 10th.
August 23...........Wednesday PLC Late Start Day for all students K-5 10:01 a.m. - 3:49 p.m. (All Wednesdays are one hour PLC Late Start Days throughout the 2017-18 school year.)
August 24-25.......Regular school days 9:01 a.m. - 3:49 p.m.