PARENTS, remember we are not doing a direct-sell fundraiser this school year so you/your child will not be asked to sell anything! If we meet our goal of $15,000, EVERYONE – including students and staff- will participate in a school-wide celebration to recognize our success! Please contact Carrie and Kate at ralphmoodypto[at]gmail[dot]com with any questions. Click Here for the Color Fun Run Sign Up Genius Voluinteer Sign Up
Our Color Fun Run take place on Wednesday, September 27th and will start with all students out on the field. The first group of runners will be our Pre-K through 2nd Grade Students from 3:00 - 3:20 pm then our 3rd - 5th Grade Students will run from 3:25 -- 3:45 pm. Any students who leave before the school day ends at 3:49 will need to sign out with their teachers at the Fun Run.