To access Edmentum use the following information:
Students will need to complete the following conditions to successfully receive credit for their course:
- Complete all tutorials and mastery tests (practice tests) for each individual unit and show staff notes before any unit or semester test will be unlocked
- Pass/Complete each unit test
- Pass/Complete each semester test
- Students are not always required to complete the off-line activities except when instructed by staff. If off-line packet IS required the student must complete the correlating section of the packet BEFORE taking each unit test online.
Students are expected to read course materials and take notes before attempting any test.
Tests must be taken on site during program hours.
Students may access curriculum 24 hours a day, seven days a week, anywhere where there is a computer and access to the internet.
If you fail a test, program staff can re-set the test for a second attempt provided you have taken NEW notes and can share them with a staff teacher. A failed test may only be re-set two times. If you do not pass the test after a third attempt, you may not earn credit for the class.
Make sure before starting any test that there is enough time to finish it. If you find you are not finished and the session is over, let a staff teacher know, save your work, and then log off.
Each course takes approximately 3 weeks to complete. You and your mentor teacher will meet and review your process weekly.
Students may be enrolled in two classes at one time.
Students who do not follow these polices will receive a warning and if the behavior continues afterwards, they will be sent home with an unexcused absence.