(UPDATED February 21, 2025 at 7:15 a.m.) ALL LPS SCHOOLS CLOSED. ACTIVITIES CANCELED. After carefully monitoring weather conditions and forecasts, all Littleton Public Schools are closed today, Friday, February 21, 2025. All school-sponsored activities are also canceled or rescheduled. // TODAS LAS ESCUELAS DE LPS ESTÁN CERRADAS. ACTIVIDADES CANCELADAS. Después de supervisar cuidadosamente las condiciones meteorológicas y las previsiones, todas las Escuelas Públicas de Littleton están cerradas hoy, 21 de febrero de 2025. Todas las actividades patrocinadas por las escuelas también quedan canceladas o reprogramadas.
Delay/Closure Procedures || Procedimiento de Retraso/CierreReport an Absence Line: 303-347-3580
Jen Muller / Attendance Reporting / jmuller[at]lps.k12.co[dot]us
Attendance Policy
Daily attendance is critical for academic success. Frequent absences (excused or unexcused) result in students missing valuable instruction and often impede students from making a connection to the Options Middle School community, a critical factor in their success.
Absences may be excused for student illness, medical appointments that cannot be taken care of outside of school hours, or absences that are approved by the administrator of the program before the absence. Absences will be excused when parents telephone Options Middle School at 303.347-4725, the day of the absence or by 3:30 p.m. the following day.
An unexcused absence is one that the parent does not excuse or one that the school does not approve. Unexcused absences are absences not covered in the categories of pre-arranged and excused absences. In general, they are absences to take care of business that can normally be done outside of school hours. Examples of unexcused absences include: oversleeping, running errands, car problems, missing class to spend time with family, etc.
In all other cases not covered by one of the foregoing exceptions, the administrator shall decide whether absences are excused or unexcused. Absences due to suspensions shall be considered unexcused.
Options Middle School has a closed campus throughout the day, including the lunch hour. Food will be available for purchase or students may bring a lunch from home. A parent must check-out students through the main office.
According to Board Policy JH, “…absences shall be considered excused: A student who is temporarily ill or injured or whose absence is approved by the administrator of the school of attendance before the absence…The District may require suitable proof regarding the above exceptions, including written statements from medical sources.” If required, this document must be on the medical office’s letterhead and should include the reason and date for the absence. Any absences without this documentation will be unexcused.
Cell Phone—Electronic Device Use Policy
First Offense: Device will be confiscated. The student may pick-up their device in the office as they leave the building.
Second Offense: Device will be confiscated. Parent will be contacted for conference and to retrieve the device from the office. The student will not be allowed to pick-up
Third Offense: Device will be confiscated. A Restorative Justice Circle with the principal, parents and/or appropriate staff member will take place. Student may also be suspended given prior warnings and meeting with parent.
These standards apply in school district buildings, on school grounds, in school vehicles, on school district property, and at school-sponsored activities. Options Middle School/LPS is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Disciplinary action for repeated violation of this policy may include requiring the student to check cell phone or other devices in and out each day, referral to administration, parental conference or suspension.
Gang Activity
There is to be no gang apparel, logos, insignias, jewelry, writing on self or materials, discussion, gestures, or anything else remotely representative of gangs at school, at school functions or on any Littleton Public Schools property. This includes any bandanas – no matter the color.
ANY infractions of the gang policy or the above rule, will result in suspension and/or removal from Options Middle School.
Behavior Interventions & Supports
We expect that students at Options Middle School will exhibit mature and acceptable behavior. Respect, courtesy and consideration for others are a major emphasis of our program in order to ensure the best possible educational environment for all students. All students will be expected to follow the LPS code of conduct.
All Options community members (students and staff) are expected to actively and consistently demonstrate the 6 P's.
6 P's
Be Prompt, Be Polite, Be Prepared, Be a Participant, Be Productive, and Be Positive
These behaviors are posted and expected to be followed in: hallways, classrooms, bathrooms, the main office, the cafeteria, the gym, the bus, outside yard, and at all LPS activities.
Rules Against Bullying
Engaging in bullying behavior in any form is not tolerated at OMS. OMS has made a commitment to actively confront bullying behavior in a proactive manner by the following rules and using the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program. This is a school wide prevention program focused on changing norms and behaviors around bullying.
Student Dress Code
Students are expected to dress appropriately for school. This might be described as neat, clean and modest dress. Students should take into consideration classes where safety measures are required for dress, such as science, physical education and art classes.
General standards of appropriate dress include but are not limited to, the following:
These standards apply in school district buildings, on school grounds, in school vehicles, on school district property, and at school-sponsored activities.
Disciplinary action for repeated violation of dress standards may include requiring the student to remove or change the grooming/apparel, referral to administration, parental conference or suspension.