Annual Family Check-In

Every family must complete the district 2018/2019 Check-In / Registration process through Infinite Campus. To complete this step, a parent from the Primary Household must log into the Campus Portal, and then go to the Inbox where there is a Family Check-In message. By clicking on this message, parents will be taken directly into online registration.

Parents will verify, update or complete information about every member of their household including students at other LPS schools (if applicable). This means parents can complete registration for all their children at one time. Parents will also complete a series of permissions (media release, field trip permission, military release, etc.) and provide information traditionally listed on a student's emergency card (physician, emergency contacts, health issues, etc.).



You may not use your child's student login to Infinite Campus Portal for this process. If you have not set up a parent login, see below.

** After you complete this process, you may notice that you continue to see a message in your Inbox that says
"Online Registration." This does not mean your submission was not accepted. After the registration window is closed (September), you will no longer see this in your Inbox. Once you complete the confirmation submission, you may ignore the message in your Inbox.


HELP! I do not have a login for Campus Portal!


No login? NO PROBLEM!

You may contact the front office at Ralph Moody on the following dates and times to get your authorization code to activate your login for campus portal.