Q. What if I need to pick up my child early?
A. Not a problem! Come to the front entrance, ring the bell. We don't call students out of class until a parent has arrived at the school.
Q. What if my child forgets their lunch, water bottle, homework, backpack etc?
A. If you would like to bring your child any item they may have forgotten, come to the front entrance and ring the bell. You can either bring that item into the office, or simply leave it on the table and we will come grab it and deliver it to your student.
Q. What if I'm running late to pick up my child?
A. Any students who haven't been picked up by a parent or guardian when the second bell rings (at 2:48pm) will be brought to the office. Parents should come to the front entrance to pick up their student if you arrive after 2:50. If you know that you are running late, it is helpful to give the office a heads up. 303-347-4550.
Q. What if someone else needs to pick up my child who is not listed as a guardian in Infinite Campus?
A. Please call the front office to let them know who will be picking up your student. That person will need to be prepared to show their ID at pick up time.
Q. What do I do if my child is going to be absent?
A. Call our attendance line and leave a message! 303-734-5555. You can leave a message day or night!
Q. Can my child bring treats for their class on their birthday?
A. We are highly encouraging families to do alternativers to edible birthday treats. Examples of alternatives are pencils, book donation to the classroom or fun bookmarks. Thank you for your cooperation. Please contact classroom teachers prior to bringing any items.