(posted January 20, 2025 at 2:00 p.m.) 2-HOUR DELAYED START - ALL LPS SCHOOLS. After carefully monitoring the forecast for extremely low temperatures in the early morning hours, the decision was made to have a two-hour delayed start for all LPS schools on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. The forecasted temperatures improve as the day progresses. / 2 HORAS DE RETRASO EN EL COMIENZO - TODAS LAS ESCUELAS DE LPS. Después de supervisar cuidadosamente el pronóstico de temperaturas extremadamente bajas durante las primeras horas de la mañana, se tomó la decisión de retrasar dos horas el comienzo de todas las escuelas de LPS el martes 21 de enero de 2025. Las temperaturas pronosticadas mejorarán durante el curso del día.

Delay/Closure Procedures


From the District: LPS Registration

All students new to LPS must register by completing an online pre-registration form and submitting required documents to the District Registrar via email at districtregistrar[at]lps.K12.co[dot]us. If a student has not attended an LPS school during the current school year, please follow the checklist to register as a new student.

Parent Checklist

  • Complete the online pre-registration form
    *In the online pre-registration, the parent will be asked to attest that they are the legal parent/guardian and have educational decision-making authority for the student(s) being registered.
  • Email the following documentation if not uploaded during the pre-registration process to districtregistrar[at]lps.K12.co[dot]us. (see notes below; registration approval may be delayed until required documents are provided):
  1. Child’s birth certificate
  2. Child’s immunization record
  3. Proof of residency (required for in-district enrollment)
  4. Copy of Transcripts
  5. Open enrollment acceptance letter (if applicable)
  6. Parent identification (driver’s license, state ID, etc.)
  7. Records Release Request Form 

  1. Child’s birth certificate (a copy is acceptable)
    If you do not have your child’s birth certificate, please contact the previous school and request that it be sent to you; OR birth certificates can be obtained from the county health department or department of vital records.
    The person enrolling the student must be listed on the birth certificate unless there are guardianship or notarized power of attorney papers provided that give guardianship to the person registering the student.
  2. Child’s immunization record (a copy is acceptable)
    If you do not have your child’s immunization record, please contact the previous school or doctor’s office and request that it be sent to you.
  3. Proof of residency
    Proof of residency documents must be dated. Documents must include the mailing address, service address, and name of the parent/guardian at the address. A document showing proof of residency is required for any new student, even if other children in the household attend an LPS school.

    Accepted documents for proof of residency:

    1. Utility bill (Xcel, water), cable, trash, or internet provider, dated within the last 60 days.  Please note that disconnect notices are not accepted.
    2. Current rental or lease agreement that includes the name of property owner, renter, address, current term dates, signature page with property manager's signature.
    3. Notarized warranty deed dated within the last 60 days or home purchase contract that includes buyer's and seller's names, address, future closing date, and signature page with seller's signature.
    4. Mortgage statement dated within the last 60 days that includes the name of the homeowner, property address, and mailing address.

    Examples of unacceptable documents for proof of residency:

    1. Cell phone bill
    2. Bank statements, loan statements, credit card bills
    3. Driver’s license
    4. Car registration
    5. Pay stubs
    6. Insurance documents
    7. Miscellaneous mail
  4. Transcripts
    School staff must review transcripts in order to place the student in the appropriate classroom.
  5. Open enrollment acceptance letter (if applicable)
    Open enrollment must be verified by the school before registration can be approved. 
  6. Parent identification (driver’s license, state ID, etc.)
    If person enrolling the student is not the legal guardian, appropriate guardianship or notarized power of attorney documents are required that show rights to complete student registration. If parents are legally separated or divorced, district assumes each parent has equal rights to the custody and educational decision-making authority of their children unless court orders are provided specifically showing one custodial parent.
  7. Records Request Form

Newton Open Enrollment Procedures

New LPS Open Enrollment Process Begins October 1st. All Open Enrollment forms can be found on the district site.

Newton is pleased to accept applications from students for Open enrollment. NONRESIDENT STUDENT means your student lives outside of the LPS attendance area (but may currently attend an LPS school). IN-DISTRICT OPEN ENROLLMENT means your student lives within the LPS attendance area, but would like to enroll at an LPS school of choice, not the home school.

All qualified students who apply within the open enrollment window will be part of a random drawing for acceptance, following district enrollment guidelines.  This means families will have several weeks to turn in open enrollment applications for a random drawing of qualified students. Families will no longer feel pressured to line up on October 1st to turn in applications for open enrollment.  Open enrollment applications must be turned in to each requested school with any additional supporting documents the school requires.  Open enrollment for the 2025-2026 School year is as follows:

  • All middle school open enrollment applications for the upcoming 2025-2026 school year will be collected from October 1, 2024 - November 15, 2024.

The following supporting documents must be submitted to NEWTON along with any applications for Open Enrollment (these documents are not required for Intent to Renew):

  • Copy of elementary transcripts including 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade
  • Copy of last year's and this year's attendance report
  • Copy of discipline record (The report is available from your current school), or a letter from school indicating no discipline actions.
  • Copy of the most current standardized test scores

Applications for enrollment cannot be considered until all supporting documents have been received.

Submit completed applications to:
Newton Middle School
ATTN: Jessica Schultz
4401 E. Arapahoe Rd
Centennial, CO  80122
Fax to:303-347-3945
E-mail: jaschultz[at]lps.k12.co[dot]us