2nd Grade

Hello Parents of 2nd Graders! Your children will be very busy learning many new and interesting concepts. Your students will gain more skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. They will continue to learn and practice rules for matching sounds to letters that make up words. Writing will become an exciting way for your children to express their ideas in a narrative, persuasive and informational style. In mathematics, your child will build on last year’s work and gain important new skills. One of the most important outcomes for the year is to add and subtract two-digit numbers quickly and accurately. Another important goal in 2nd grade is to understand what the digits mean in a three-digit number. Your children will also build expertise with solving addition and subtraction word problems. In science we will study plants and animals in their habitats. We will also study the weather and the water cycle. As for Social Studies, your children will compare and contrast the present day community to that of the past. Students will also locate and identify the poles, equator, continents, and the oceans on a map and globe. 


Andrea Ackerman

Amy Lengyel