• The parade will start at 8:15 a.m. on the lower field on October 31.  We ask parents to stand/sit in the inner and outer circles allowing the children to parade around the paved path.  If the weather is poor due to temperature/precipitation, the outdoor parade will be canceled.  However, the children will have a brief walk around the Runyon halls, but due to space constraints inside, this would be student only. 
  • The Runyon PTO will provide drinks and snacks for the Halloween parties after the parade.  Please do not bring any food/drinks for these parties.  We will be providing Caprisun fruit drink, fruit snacks, and Skinny Pop popcorn for the children to enjoy.  If your child has any dietary or allergic requirements that these snacks would not meet, please let Megan Nordlander (mnordlander[at]lps.k12.co[dot]us) know by October 27 so we can provide an alternative.
  • Classroom/grade level parties will end at 9:45 a.m.  Volunteers requested by the room parents are welcome at the parties, but we would ask parent support to be mindful that there is limited space in the classrooms to run these parties.  
  • Reminder on costumes -- please no face paint or weapons of any kind (toy knives, toy guns, toy swords, etc.).  It would be preferred if the kids have their normal clothes under their costumes so the costumes can be removed after the parties.