Kindergarten Program & Options


Questions & Answers

Q1:  What does kindergarten look like at Sandburg?  

A1:  Sandburg offers full-day Kindergarten, 7:50 am- 2:43PM.

Q2:  My child misses the kindergarten age cut-off by one or more days.  What can I do?

A2:  In LPS, children entering kindergarten must be 5 years old by October 1, and children entering 1st Grade must be 6 years old by October 1.  If your child misses the cut-off and you feel that he/she is ready for kindergarten (or 1st Grade), you may contact the district Gifted/Talented department to discuss the process for early entrance into kindergarten/1st grade.  We would be happy to explore your child’s particular situation with you.


Q3:  What services are available to kindergarten students?

A3:  All kindergarten classes experience learning in the library, computer lab, science center and specials—art, music, and p.e.   Services through our Learning Support Services team (content teacher, speech therapist, occupational therapist, and psychologist) and special literacy/intervention support are available and based on what is best for your child.


Q4:  What are kindergarten class sizes?

A4:  25-29 students in a class; each classroom has a licensed teacher and paraprofessional as additional support.