Dear Sandburg Families,

We are launching an end-of-year fundraising drive to Keep Sandburg Strong! Our goal is $15,000 in the last two weeks of 2016.

The Sandburg community does everything it can to support staffing needs for our kids with shrinking state funding support. Your donation helps bridge the funding gap to give every kid support beyond their homeroom. Parent funding is essential to providing:

  • Para-professional support for smaller group instruction in reading, writing and math
  • Science and technology with hands-on inquiry-based learning
  • Library Media Center that enhances classroom learning

On November 1st, the Denver Post reported on the latest state budget proposal:

“Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper on Tuesday proposed a $28.5 billion state budget that cuts spending on education…to help close a $500 million shortfall…The spending plan shortchanges school districts by $45 million…”

These continued state funding cuts impact the dollars the district has to fund staffing in our school. As we approach the end of the year, please consider investing in your child’s education by supporting Sandburg through a direct donation. Your tax-deductible funds help give our kids access to the support that helps them succeed.

Please consider a tax-deductible gift of $25, $75, or $125 before December 31st. Your gift makes a difference to your child and the education they receive.

Make checks payable to Sandburg PTO and return them in a sealed envelope to the school. You can also donate online at: We will send e-mails leading up to December 31st to update everyone on the progress toward the goal.


With Gratitude,

Sally Chafee, Sandburg PTO President

P.S. We understand that there are many priorities and pressures at the end of the year. For us to reach our goal this school year, we still need to raise over $50,000! Please consider Sandburg in your end of year giving.