We are excited for the Third Annual Sandburg’s Got Talent Show! Sandburg values all our students and their talents and want give an opportunity to share with their peers. On May 1st (2nd and 3rd depending on numbers) interested 3rd-5th grade students, who have completed the application, will participate in grade level peer performances. Students will perform a 90 second routine as an individual, with a partner, or in a small group. Any music needed must be edited and given to Mr. Rowe (mrowe[at]lps.k12.co[dot]us) in the form of an MP3 for the audition. CDs cannot be used for the program due to equipment incompatibility.

Any student/group who would like to perform should fill out the google form linked at the bottom. One form per group needs to be submitted by April 19th. During the grade level peer performances, the specials team use a rubric to determine which performances will be showcased at the school wide talent shows on May 22nd at 10:30am and again at 1:30 pm.  Polished planning and practicing is highly encouraged, as we can only take a limited number of acts for the show.

Important Dates:

  • Google Forms submitted by April 19, 2019

  • Auditions/Grade Level Performances during specials time May 1, 2019.

  • School Wide Talent Show will take place during the school day on May 22nd, 2019.


Link To The Google Form