Our last PAWSitive Wellness challenge of the year starts Wednesday, March 8th and runs through Friday, March 24th. Did you know the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends children ages 6 to 12 years of age should sleep 9 to 12 hours on a regular basis? March's Challenge: Each night that you get the recommended amount of sleep, please have your parent or guardian initial each moon and write the total hours that you slept. Click here for the challenge sheet (a copy of this sheet came home in your child's Friday Folder on Wednesday, March 8th). When all seven moons are filled out, drop the form into the PAWSitive Wellness Challenge box located at the front office by Friday, March 24th. All names will be entered in a drawing to win PRIZES!! Questions? Contact Alli Jones, PAWSitive Wellness Champion at allison[at]menutothrive[dot]com

Fun Facts about Sleep:

Did you know  . . . when your body doesn't have enough sleep, you may feel tired or cranky, or you may be unable to think clearly the next day?

Did you know . . . during sleep our brain is busy cementing new memories? The newest theories think the brain is processing the information we gained throughout the day and filtering out the information we don't need, which may be one of the reasons we dream.

Did you know  . . . you muscles relax and chill out during sleep?

Did you know  . . . that your heart drops while you sleep into a more slow-resting rate?

Did you know . . .your liver during the day works hard taking out the trash and detoxifying your body but during sleep it re-builds itself to work better during the day?

Did you know  . . .your blood pressure can drop 5-7 points during a good night of sleep therefore resting your circulatory system including your heart?

Did you know  . . .that your body temperature may drop up to 2 degrees while you sleep?

Did you know  . .  the type of sleep cycle that comes towards the end of the night is when you are more likely to have dreams? This is called REM sleep.

Did you know . . . that during REM sleep you literally can not move a muscle? Only the muscles in your eyes are moving and your breathing muscles.

Did you know . . . your body produces growth hormones during sleep to help you grow and repair.