One of the most fun days of the year at Sandburg is Field Day, and it's coming up on May 12! Kindergarten through 2nd grade (except Mrs. Walter 1/2 class) will enjoy Field Day in the morning from 9:30am to 12pm. Mrs. Walter’s 1/2 class and grades 3rd through 5th will be in the afternoon from 12:45pm to 3pm.   
To help make the day a success for our students, we need parent volunteers and encourage you to sign up to join in the fun. Whether you have an hour, a whole day, or can drop off supplies, your help will be most appreciated! Volunteering is easy, and each Field Day activity will already be set up with instructions, so you just need to show up and bring your enthusiasm.
Sign up is simple; just visit and choose the time slot and activity that works best for you. If you can't volunteer for a full time slot, just select "General Help" and let us know when you are available. We appreciate any and all help! Please contact Melissa Gibson at gibsonmh[at]yahoo[dot]com or sandburgpto[at]gmail[dot]com with any questions.