We know from our decade of experience - as do other high performing schools locally and across the nation - that Professional Learning Communities increase student academic growth and achievement.  Engaging in Professional Learning Communities helps us keep our promise to students to prepare them for meaningful post secondary opportunities upon high school graduation. Our community has high expectations for its schools. Professional Learning Communities are the mechanism through which we will continue to meet these expectations.

In order to provide our teachers with the tools, skills, and information they need to meet the needs of ALL students, teachers need more time to collaborate with one another in Professional Learning Communities. An emerging idea is to provide more frequent and consistent time throughout the school year for PLCs.   

I have met with every school staff about this idea, and I am currently meeting with parents at every school.  Many of you may have attended a meeting already. If you haven’t, I encourage you to do so. During these meetings, we discuss important information about the district’s vision for improving student learning through Professional Learning Communities and the emerging ideas of how to adjust instructional time to provide more opportunities for professional collaboration. I want to hear your thoughts and feedback. Parents and community members are welcome to attend the meetings at ANY school.   A complete list of upcoming meetings is available on the district website.  On the website you will also find research, videos, and the results of a recent survey LPS educators took about the importance of increased and more consistent time for PLCs and the positive effects on student learning. The website will be updated frequently, so please check back for additional details.

I also encourage you to take the parent survey related to increasing PLC time and exploring the possibility of changing school start times. The survey is available on the district website. It will be available through the first of March to give parents an opportunity to attend an information session with me at a school before taking the survey.

Thank you for engaging in this important issue. Your feedback will help shape our conversations moving forward.  And, thank you for your continued support of Littleton Public Schools.

Warmest Regards,

Brian Ewert