Thank you for your support of the 2016 Run4Fund$ It is our largest fundraiser of the year and helps the PTO provide direct educational resources to Sandburg. 

If you haven’t already, mark your calendar for the 2016 Sandburg Run4Funds on September 30!
This fun and exciting event is one that every student participates in, and that generates important funds for our school. Additional details, including a schedule for the day and volunteer opportunities, will be coming soon, but for now we wanted to share this upcoming dates:
Thursday, September 15: Student Assembly (this marks the kick-off leading up to the big event!)
Wednesday, September 30: Run4Funds event
Friday, October 7: Run 4 Fund$ pledges due
Friday, October 14: Prizes are distributed to students based on the funds they each raise

Start Collecting Those Run4Fund$ Pledges!

Your child brought home their Run4Fund$ pledge form in their Friday folder on September 16th. We know they are excited to find sponsors after Thursday's assembly! Grandparents, aunts and uncles, neighbors and of course, parents are great people to ask to sponsor them for the run.  Friends and family can also sign up to give online! Just visit to donate a flat amount or to pledge a per-lap amount. We will be offering fun prizes to kiddos who earn certain amounts, classes can win special activities and every contribution will benefit our amazing school! Also, you can use matching funds toward your total raised for the run. Email us at sandburgpto[at]gmail[dot]com for details.

Volunteers needed for the 2016 Sandburg Run4Fund$

Support our students at the 2016 Sandburg Run4Fund$! This annual event is a positive and fun experience that the kids look forward to every year, and it's one of our biggest school fundraisers. This year's run will take place the morning of September 30 at Sandburg, and we need volunteers to help make it a success! Sign up to mark laps, pin on lap cards, and cheer on our students as they have a great time running with their friends and classmates.

Kindergartners and 1st graders will run 9:20am to 10:10am, 2nd and 4th graders will run 10:10am to 11:00am, and 3rd and 5th graders will run 11:00am to 11:50am.

Please click here to sign up to volunteer, or email sandburgpto[at]gmail[dot]com with any questions.