The district is a public entity and its meetings and records shall be matters of public information, subject to such restrictions as are set by federal law or regulation, by state statute or by pertinent court rulings. The superintendent is the official custodian of District records.
The official minutes of the Board, its written policies and its financial records and other records shall be open for inspection at the office of the superintendent by any citizen desiring to examine them during hours when the office of the superintendent is open. However, no records shall be released for inspection by the public or any unauthorized persons, either by the superintendent or any other person designated as custodian for school district records, if such disclosure would be contrary to the public interest as described in state law or otherwise prohibited by law. The district’s financial information shall be posted online in accordance with the Public School Financial Transparency Act.
In responding to a request for the district's public records, the district may charge a fee for staff time spent in excess of one hour for the following: researching and retrieving the requested records; conducting searches for requested records; reviewing records to determine whether they are responsive to the request, and identifying and separating those records that are not public and/or are privileged or confidential. Such fee shall be $41.37 per hour, which may be increased from time to time as permitted by applicable state law. The district may also charge other reasonable fees in responding to a request for the district's public records, in accordance with the accompanying regulation. The district may require a reasonable deposit before researching and retrieving the records for inspection and need not produce the records if the fee is not paid in advance.
The Board wishes to support the right of the people to know about the programs and services of their schools and shall make reasonable efforts to disseminate information.
How to make a request for public records
All requests for public record(s) maintained by the district shall be specific enough to allow the district to efficiently identify the requested record and respond to the request. To clarify and facilitate the processing of a request to inspect and/or obtain copies of records, the district requires the request is made in writing through the district website (please see the form below) or by mail.
Board Policy KDB - Public's Right of Inspection under the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA);
KDB-R Regulation